The Cellar

For our white wine vinification we combine innovative techniques with traditional. The fresh grape juice, after careful pressing with no more than 1,5 bar of pressure (about as much as a good handshake), is allowed to settle for 12 hours. The cleared grape juice is then transferred into small steel tanks where yeast is added and the temperature controlled fermentation takes place.  The wines are then allowed to mature for 4-8 months on the yeast during which time they become elegant and fruity. In order not to lose any aromas we do not filter our wines, but decant them frequently.

In our 450 year-old red wine cellar, carved into the Löss soil, vinification is still very traditional using a vertical three level gravity-only system. The handpicked grapes pass through the de-stemming station and fall into the open fermentation vats where the wines ferment for approximately two weeks

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. After gentle pressing the young wine flows, purely through gravity, into the 6m deep cellar cave, where it matures in small French, or large Austrian, oak barrels at about 8° - 10° C, developing its natural elegance.