2023 in review
After a dry winter, late spring brought abundant rainfall. The budding was rather late and late frosts did not cause any damage. However, the weather during the late flowering of the vines was quite unstable. The first heat period of the year began at the end of June, which was only ended by long-awaited rainfall in August. September was unusually warm; especially the nights.
The ripening of the grapes progressed steadily, although it was accelerated again by repeated rainfall shortly before harvest began. This meant that the main harvest was pushed foreward a bit. Once again, despite the early, good sugar ripeness, it was important not to harvest too soon, but rather to wait for the grapes to reach physiological ripeness. The patience shown was richly rewarded by the wonderful autumn weather, which lasted until the national holiday on October 26th. We are looking forward to a very good 2023 vintage with good balance and beautiful ripeness.
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